Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Today, there is a lot going on in the world: probably too much for anyone to keep track of. Last night was the big presidential election and I can tell just by facebook statuses that Obama won. This really should not be a surprise to anyone and I doubt that it is. Still, I know a lot of people are disappointed. I voted, but I decided way back that whatever happens I would be happier than I am now. You may wonder why, but I bet most of you know exactly why. Years ago if you watched TV, you would expect a few political ads. Now they are everywhere. You can't go on Youtube without seeing an ad about Tammy Baldwin's liberal extremism or Mitt Romney's secret hidden money. I think at this point everyone is sick of this. No one believes political ads because they are always meant to deceive you. Even attack ads that are totally true created to get you to ignore the problems of the person making them. It is so bad, I sort of felt bad voting because I feel like it encourages politicians.
Don't take that the wrong way. Please vote. It really is important. But if I were in charge, I would make a law banning political ads. I think that would make everyone happy; probably happy enough to re-elect me.


  1. I agree with you especially about the last part and banning the ads there terrible but what is necessary is we all vote

  2. I thought you made a lot of very in depth points. I agree that the ads are way too extreme. I think that if you truly care about the elections you will take the steps necessary to research. At the same time, there are people who don't and without ads, as manipulative as it is, the presidential candidates wouldn't be able to get their word out. It is a tough stand point. However, I very much agree with you!
